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Commemorating the tragic loss of Steven and in tribute to his commitment to excellence in news reporting, it is our hope that the professionalism, determination and strength of this extraordinary young journalist will continue to touch the lives of others for generations to come. Steven touched the lives of thousands of people and told their stories in meaningful ways. He inspired other journalists to do the same. His legacy as the voice for the voiceless continues.
The 2LIVES Foundation is dedicated to the support of journalists by providing scholarships for journalism students, implementing global safety training and best practices for journalists working in conflict-torn regions of the world, and promoting policy changes in U.S. and worldwide hostage laws.
To equip journalists in our changed world with the knowledge and tools they need to tell the important stories of the world in the safest possible way, honoring freedom of the press and freedom of speech, ending impunity, and bringing them home safely and alive, under all circumstances.
I. We have established The Annual Steven Sotloff Safety Training Course, to provide safety training to freelance journalists all over the world, in conjunction with Global Journalists Security, the leading international provider of hostile environments and emergency first aid training worldwide, appropriately named the Steven Sotloff Survival Course. This HEFAT course, working in collaboration with University of Miami School of Communications, will provide safety training and risk assessment protocols in dangerous assignments around the world.
Please read about our program by clicking here.
Please read about Global Journalist Security's work by clicking here.
II. We announce that after nearly two years of tireless work by the Sotloffs with President Obama and senior staff in Washington, DC, on June 24, 2015,
President Obama signed an Executive Order, in the presence of the Sotloffs and other hostage families, for a broad overhaul regarding how it handles U.S. hostages held abroad by groups such as ISIS. While the family feels that it is "too little too late," they are honored that their tireless work may help save the lives of future journalists, aid workers and other hostages abroad.
Please read about the new U.S. policy by clicking here.
Watch President Obama's announcement by clicking here.
Click on the Executive Order to the left to read it in full.
This Executive Order has since been expanded and updated over time.
III. We have provided both endowed and individual scholarships for journalism students who have the passion and desire to pursue a career in journalism. To date, a $125,000 endowed scholarship fund has been set up in Steven's name for annual Journalism scholarships at University of Miami, and others at University of Central Florida, Kimball Union Academy in New Hampshire, and the most recent being a $50,000 scholarship fund in Steven's name at Miami Dade College. More scholarships are being planned for some of the finest journalism schools across the nation.
IV. We have spent the past decade working with Washington, D.C. to make sure that ISIS pays for its crime. Two of the "ISIS Beatles," as they were known, were convicted to multiple life sentences, one was killed by a drone, and one is imprisoned overseas. The Sotloffs, along with the other three American families involved, got to give Victim Impact Statements directly in front of the last two ISIS Beatles before their sentences were read. Being just inches away from the Beatles murderers as they spoke, their difficult decade bringing closure to this inhumane act with their unquenchable bravery was evident, although clearly, there is no closure for this heinous act.
IV. We have signed on with United Nations/UNESCO, along with Columbia University School of Journalism, Reuters and Associated Press, who began in our presence the first ever Global Safety Principles and Practices for journalists in New York on September 30, 2015, of which we were one of the early supporters. The final draft was signed at UNESCO Paris headquarters on February 5, 2016, in our presence. The group announced unprecedented initiatives to share security information, provide subsidized safety training to freelancers, end impunity, and more. Other media organizations that signed on include CNN, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, and finally 300+ more. We aim to help fulfill this goal in any way possible. Please read about this unprecedented journalism initiative here.
V. We proudly support Hostage US, Hillel and Birthright, all of whom have played an important role in Steven's life and legacy. Click on each link or logo to read more.
VI. Steven's story as a journalist, his photographs, press lists and belongings, had become part of the permanent collections of The Newseum, Washington, D.C., and his awards, photographs, letters from world leaders and more are now part of the permanent collection of The Jewish Museum of Florida in Miami Beach. #Never Forget
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