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President Obama meets with Art Sotloff, father of Steven Sotloff, as the Sotloffs and other hostage families advocate for changes in US hostages policies. Immediately after this last meeting, the President signed an Executive Order making changes to US hostage policies, in the presence of the families.

Panel group meeting at The White House to advocate for needed U.S. hostage policy changes. The group consists of hostages that were freed, as well as familes of hostages that are gone and still alive. Art and Shirley Sotloff fought for changes for an entire year before losing their son Steven.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) honors Steven Sotloff with the Daniel Pearl Award. Presenting the award posthumously to Steven's family are George Moss, founder of the Daniel Pearl Award, left, and Abraham Foxman, Past National Director of the ADL.

Shirley, Lauren and Art Sotloff accept the Daniel Pearl Award posthumously on behalf of Steven, in Palm Beach, Florida.

The New Yorker cover story of the Sotloffs' and the four other families' struggles for an entire year before Steven's death. Written by Lawrence Wright. Photo credit: Carla Van De Puttelaar

President Obama addresses the nation as he signs into law an Executive Order changing U.S. hostage policies. The Sotloffs and other hostage families were present during the signing and speech.

The Newseum exhibition honors Steven as a Profile in Courage as a world journalist. Items in the collection include his helmet, backpack, note pad and passport.

President Obama dedicates his toast to Steven Sotloff and James Foley at the Annual White House Correspondents Dinner 2015.

President Trump announces the death of al-Bhagdadi, leader of ISIS who ordered the beheading of Steven Sotloff.

Shirley and Art Sotloff thank the Foundation for Defense of Democracy (FDD) in Washington, D.C. for honoring their son Steven, who had received a fellowship from them.

Shirley and Arthur Sotloff are recognized with a standing ovation at the Committee to Protect Journalists' International Press Freedom Awards 2015 at the Waldorf Astoria in New York, recognizing journalists who risk their lives and liberty defending press freedom.
Photo: Michael Nagle, Getty Images.

Art and Shirley Sotloff congratulate Kathy Gannon of Associated Press, after she accepted the Burton Benjamin Memorial Award during the Committee to Protect Journalists' International Press Freedom Awards at the Waldorf Astoria in New York. Photo: Michael Nagle, Getty Images.

Larry King and the Anti-Defamation League honor Art and Shirley Sotloff for their continued work on behalf of the safety of journalists in hate-fueled areas of the world, in Steven's memory.

Art and Shirley Sotloff give an emotional thank you speech to the ADL for honoring Steven and recognizing their continued work in his memory.

The Steven Sotloff 2LIVES Foundation, Reuters and Associated Press sign onto unprecedented Global Journalist Safety Best Practices at a meeting at Columbia University School of Journalism, New York.

United Nations / UNESCO holds conference in Paris signing Global Journalism Safety Best Practices in the presence of 2LIVES Foundation and 300+media organizations.

Art Sotloff accepts award from UCF's Nicholas School of Communication and Media on behalf of Steven Sotloff 2Lives Foundation and Frank Smyth's Global Journalist Safety (GJS) HEFAT Course, annually given to journalists worldwide.

Art Sotloff (center) accepts award from the International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference at UCF's Nicholas School of Communication, along with Frank Smyth (left) for excellence in crisis and risk communication practice, for their annual Steven Sotloff safety training for journalists worldwide.

The Newseum in Washington, D.C. opens a permanent exhibition honoring journalist Steven Sotloff. Centrally located between Capitol Hill and the White House, the Newseum champions the First Amendment and honors fallen journalists.

Upon President Trump's announcement that ISIS leader al-Bhagdadi had been killed, the Sotloffs announced to the world press that they are grateful, but "It's just like Jihadi John - he is dead, but that doesn't bring my son back."
The Sotloffs were honored with a discussion at the Jewish Museum of Florida, held by the world-renowned Dr. Tudor Parfitt (left). Museum director, Susan Gladstone (right), surprised the Sotloffs with a signed copy of Marcia Zerovitz' new book, The Jews of Florida, in which Steven Sotloff is written up for a large part of the chapter on Journalism and Media.

The work, note pads, awards, photos of Steven working, letters of condolence from leaders around the world, such as Netanyahu and the Pope, were exhibited on two walls at the Jewish Museum of Florida, to coincide with the Sotloffs' discussion with Dr. Tudor Parfitt.
Shirley Sotloff at the Steven Sotloff exhibition at the Jewish Museum of Florida in Miami Beach, with board member Tracy Ellyn, next to the art memorial Tracy created in memory of Steven, filled with symbolism, upon Steven's death.

Honorable Cindy Lerner, Mayor of Pinecrest, Florida where Steven was raised, dedicates the Steven Sotloff Memorial Garden to Steven's memory at the historic Pinecrest Gardens, in the presence of the Sotloffs and guests.

The Sotloff's present their first annual University of Miami Sotloff Memorial Journalism scholarship to student Carlen Dickerson at a Dolphins game. 2LIVES has pledged a $125,000 endowed scholarship fund to UM School of Journalism in memory of Steven.

The Sotloffs speak to students at University of Central Florida School of Journalism, where Steven attended. The 2LIVES Foundation has set up the Steven Sotloff Memorial Endowed Fund at UCF to advance journalism.

The Foundation holds its First Annual HEFAT Safety Training for journalists from all over the world in July 2018. Named in memory of Steven Sotloff, this annual crisis journalist training is held in conjunction with Global Journalists Security out of Washington, D.C., and University of Miami.
Photo credit: Global Journalists Security

Grammy Award winner Dave Matthews hugs Lauren Sotloff after he dedicates his hit song "Mercy" to her brother Steven.

U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Congressman Ted Deutch meet with Art and Shirley Sotloff to discuss Steven's legacy and the 2LIVES Foundation.

Art and Shirley Sotloff continue to give out journalism scholarships to University of Miami students each year at the Miami Dolphins game.

2LIVES board member Frank Urrutia and Art Sotloff attend opening of artist Tracy Ellyn's art memorial to Steven, as 2LIVES is honored as one of 10 partners of Greenspoon Marder Law Foundation's Community Arts Partnership, along with the Dan Marino Foundation and other outstanding organizations.

Art and Shirley Sotloff light the menorah and speak publicly about their son for the first time since Steven's passing at a Chanukkah ceremony at Chabad of Kendall & Pinecrest in Miami. Left: Rabbi Yossi Harlog of Chabad. Photo by Marta Villalba.
The Miami Dolphins hold a moment of silence for Steven Sotloff during their 2014 game shortly after his passing, removing headgear and bowing heads in his honor. Steven was a lifelong fan of the Dolphins.
CEO of BattleFrog and former Navy SEAL, Don Mann, presents Art and Shirley Sotloff with American flag, after Board member Frank Urrutia runs the Navy SEALS-designed obstacle race in Steven's memory.

Miami Dolphins CEO Tom Garfinkel was thanked for the Dolphins' support of 2Lives Foundation at a meeting in historic Wynwood,

"American Hero" Steven Joel Sotloff was memorialized with a bench at his unveiling on the one year anniversary of his passing. The contemplative bench is placed next to his grandparents, both Holocaust survivors and inspiration for his journalism for the voiceless and suffering. His remains have never been found.

Opening of the Steven Sotloff Memorial artwork by artist Tracy Ellyn, at Greenspoon Marder Law Foundation. The Sotloff Memorial overlooks the Atlantic Ocean facing the Middle East where Steven perished. Founder Gerry Greenspoon with wife Ellen, artist Tracy Ellyn, and the Sotloff family.

Steven Sotloff's sister Lauren receives flowers at the art opening of the Steven Sotloff Memorial, which faces across the Atlantic Ocean toward the Middle East, where her brother lived and perished.